Facts & Figures

Perception4Perfection in the media

Article: Helsen et al. 2024 Can we make the human brain smarter and faster 

Check out some on field usage of Perception4Perfection in cooperation with the Romanian and Turkish FA's!

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Check out this great example of how Referee fitness coach Sasho Danevski (MKD) uses our online training platform in combination with indoor agility training. This clearly shows that online perception and decision-making training can be combined effectively with physical training. Food4thought!

Interesting read: A reality-based exercice used on the UEFA winter course, monitored by Perception4Perfecction founder, Werner Helsen. Read all the details about it on The Dutch Referee Blog!

Prof. Werner Helsen, UEFA Sports Scientist, Performance Coach and Perception4Perfection founder travelled down to North Macedonia to assist referees and assistant referees from 10 Balkan countries to improve their physical preparation and their perception and decision-making skills. Take a look at the videos below how it all went down!

Yoga session in North Macedonia

The UEFA Referees’ Committee has appointed the 12 referees and their referee assistant teams who will take charge of the 31 matches at UEFA Women’s EURO 2022, which will take place in England from 6 to 31 July.

Werner Helsen's training for (Assistant) Referees in Macedonia:

Orsato about his Champions League final 2020

Dream comes true for referee Orsato. 

Remember 20 years ago

Exactly 20 y ago, on Friday June 10th, the opening ceremony of the EURO2000 took place, followed by Belgium’s 2-0 win over Sweden. For the very first time in the history of football, the match officials were based together in a hotel, just like any other team with daily training and recovery sessions and video debriefs. Since then, this has become routine for all major championships in UEFA and FIFA. It was a privilege, a pleasure and an honour to be actively involved as physical coach and sports scientist since the beginning and it still is such a great experience to be part of the UEFA football family!

Facts & Figures

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