About us

The "Perception4perfection" website is produced by the "Perception and Performance" lab of the Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences at KU Leuven in cooperation with UEFA. Founder of this webapp is professor Werner Helsen.

The main purpose of this online training tool is to improve perception and decision-making skills of ((video) assistant) referees in professional football. During the online training, the participants are challenged via real match footage on the one hand and simulations from an in-game perspective on the other hand. This type of training provides complementary exposure to typical match incidents in addition to on-field training exercises.

In a 2013 study published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise, the researchers examined the extent to which this online training transfers to the field. They found that the decision-making accuracy of Belgian assistant referees who completed 4 web-based training sessions of 60 incidents each improved by 23.3% for on-field incidents.

We would like to show you the scientific background and functioning of the Perception4perfection web application via this public website.

Get to know the brain behind Perception4Perfection! Check out Werner Helsen's impressive accomplishments:

Founder of Perception4Perfection featured in "Man In The Middle", the UEFA series providing fans with an exclusive view of the pressures facing Champions League referees.

Watch it here!

Curious to see the full 4 part series? Click on the image below!

About us

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